What happened Last Night?

I woke up choking last night and was unable to breath. I stood up on the bed, and started attacking the faux mahogany wood blinds. I managed to tear off the valance, and break two slats.
I don't know why. I though of Sleep Apnea, but no one in my family or extended family has it. Also, I don't fit the "ideal" candidate for it.
I am on several medications, so if nothing else, I'll blame it on them.
If anyone knows of a Wake-Up-Choking-Attack-The-Blinds Syndrome, please let me know.
WHOA!! What happened??!! You ok?
You didn't happen to swallow a big spider or something did you? That is kinda, odd. If that happens again I would see a Dr. Where you dreaming about anything strange?
You didn't happen to swallow a big spider or something did you? That is kinda, odd. If that happens again I would see a Dr. Where you dreaming about anything strange?
Yeah,ok now. I'm hoping it dosen't happen again.
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