Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Death by Laughter

Only once in my life have I felt that I may literally die from laughter.

A few years ago I was watching Heaven's Burning starring Russel Crowe, with my brother and future sister-in-law. Heaven's Burning is an Australian crime drama. The production values were lousy, and in one scene, the shadow from the boom of a microphone moves right across the scene (it's clear that the shadow is a pole with a microphone at the end).

I'm not sure why it struck me, but I burst into laughter. After laughing uncontrollably for about a minute, I had pushed all the oxygen from my lungs (think of a vacuum sealed bag). For a second or so, I couldn't get oxygen back into my lungs.

I suppose it's not a bad way to go.

Monday, August 29, 2005

What I'm Listening To

I like Brent's idea of listing the songs he is listening to at the end of some of his blogs. I will borrow this and occasionally list the music I am listening to.

Today, I am listening to:

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Pall

I've heard a couple people say they believe there is a pall that hangs over Toledo. I think they may have been talking about a spiritual or economic depression, or a general gloom amongst the people.

A few days ago, I went online to find out why it wasn't sunny when the forecast called for sunshine. When I saw this cloud-cover satellite image, I had to laugh. The entire region is cloud free, except, of course, Toledo (the lighter areas over Pennsylvania and West Virginia are shaded for the Appalachian Mountains).

It's a fitting visual.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Long Live Radio 4

I've been listening to BBC Radio 4 while at work and occasionally in my leisure time. The programming is similar to NPR, but in an expanded and more in-depth manner. It's also less focused on news.

Radio 4 also does one thing that I haven't heard on NPR - dramatic plays. I don't enjoy listening to many of them, but I like the idea of a radio production complete with actors, music, and sound effects.

Radio 4 is enjoyable to listen to, even more so because of a lack of one thing - commercials.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I'm Sensitive, and I'd Like To Stay That Way - Jewel

It's true.

I am.

Recent events and people have brought this fact back to me.

The professional "helper" that I have been speaking with for the past 7 or 8 months has shown me that this quality is something to be proud of.

I've always known it to be true, but I, as well as everyone else, have certain aspects of themselves that are put away and not shown to the world. Also, our insecure, hyper-masculine American culture does not encourage sensitivity in men. Maybe I should move to Europe.


It's true.

I am.

And, as Martha Stewart is so fond of saying, "it's a good thing."

Friday, August 12, 2005

A Few of the Things That Make Me Sad

Nascar, Britney Spears, corporations.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Great Shot

This is one of my all-time favorite pictures. Sadly, I didn't take it. I wish I could claim that I had. I saw it on a photography forum website. It's a picture of a pair of seagull feet on brick or stone.

I think the appeal comes from the warmth and life of the seagull's legs and feet contrasted with the coldness and harshness and deadness of the brick.

Whatever the reason, I have a hard time taking my eyes off this picture.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Stupid Cell Phone, I Lost You!

And now i have to pay $112.00 for a replacement.