Sunday, April 30, 2006


Watching the news reports of genocide in Sudan, I began to wonder where the Church was in responding to the Sudanese in desperate need of help. I have not seen any reports of an official position from Church leaders calling for their members to contribute their time and/or money to help the Sudanese. Why?

I admit that I have not paid attention to the massacre, donated my time or money, or done anything else to help those in peril. I didn't really notice until this weekend, when I saw that George Clooney had traveled to Sudan with his father to help shine light on this tragedy.

Why does it take celebrities such as George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, and Don Cheadle to shine light on the evil that is occurring now? Why has the church not voiced it's outrage and mobalized people and supplies?

When an institution such as the Church holds itself up to be the moral guardian of the world, at a time like this, I wonder where it's priorities lie. I wonder if the Church thinks it is more important to tell people they are sinners, or to help those in need.

If the church wishes to claim, as it so often does, that it is acting in the will of God. Maybe it should take another look at the Bible. The Bible says God went to and comforted the outcasts of society: the lepers who were despised by society, the poor whom no one really cared about, etc.

Where is the Church?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Most Regrettable Download

You're Beautiful - James Blunt

Click here for some fun.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Meet Fred

This is Fred, my Citrus Tree house plant.

It looked like a Fred when I bought it, so that's what I named it.

With proper care, it is supposed to produce flowers and oranges.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Update on the Home Front

Things at my house have been progressing fairly well. After painting and then repainting the front room, I have a color I now like.

I planted an Aspen tree in my backyard this week. It looks like a stick in the ground (no branches yet), but buds are starting to open.

I'm refinishing a coffee table that I inherited from my grandfather. Sanding it, even with a power sander, has been difficult. On the plus side, it has been equilivent to lifing weights for my arms, and they are now starting to get that ripped look. Cool.

The weather is nice today, so I'm going to paint my front door. It will be a dark, burnt red.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Roommates

I live with ladybugs and spiders. I like the lady bugs; I don't like the spiders.

I had an arachnophobic moment a few minutes ago when I walked into my den or office or computer room (I don't know what to call it) and slowly panned across the walls and ceiling to see 7 spiders.

I'm really glad I got a vacuum cleaner for Christmas.

I blame Jed for my unhealthy fear of spiders. I was at Jed's overnight birthday party in junior high when I first saw the movie, "Arachnophobia." As soon as the other party-goers knew of my fear of spiders, the physiological torture began. They would dangle bits of string until they touched my ears or neck, at which point I would leap into the air and run.

I still have to check my bed each night before I get in to make sure no spiders are lying in wait.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Losing My Religion (In the Leaves)

I was approached by two high school students from a local Baptist church at my home yesterday evening while I was out in my side yard raking leaves.

They were on a mission to invite people to their church. Fine. However, before they left, the leader said: "I have one more question for you. If you were to die today, do you know where you would go?"

Being involved with a Baptist church for most of my life, I must say that I didn't realize how insulting and demeaning this question is until I was on the receiving end of it.

I certainty wasn't going to perform for people like this, especially high school students, who have no life experience. I avoided the question by asking them a question about the Baptist church and then thanked them for stopping.

Speaking of faith, this is where I am at the moment. I believe there is a higher power. I don't believe in organized religion. I don't believe in the Bible in the sense that most people do (divinely inspired by God).

I often wonder if I believe in God because the alternative would be too terrifying, that there is no plan and everything happens by accident.

Regardless, this is an evolving issue for me, which means that as it has changed in the past, it will probably change in the future.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Hilarious Penguin

I came across this image online, and wanted to share it. It made me laugh.